10 reasons why you should travel with your newborn!!!

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Pragya Mishra

Pragya Mishra on Sat Jun 15 2024


Having a baby in life comes with joy, happiness and not to forget many responsibilities. Parents indulge themselves in parenting so much that they sometimes forget to enjoy the parenting. Remember, you having a baby was your choice and baby is dependent to you but should not stop your life. Generally, it is seen that the parents who used to be very lovey-duvey before forget that they don’t have to restrict themselves from having their time together. And what is the best way to ignite the old romance other than travelling together as a family. So just pack your bags and take your baby and step out for few days and you will remember those moments for the rest of your life. Trust me those will be one of the happiest moments of your life. Here are few things to discuss that why to travel with baby:

10. It will re-spark the romance between spouse.

After having a kid, usually parent is busy with baby care and other activities such as office, house-hold chores and they fight to spend time with each other. So, to plan a trip together will ignite that spark which you think you missed after having child. Just remember, child is addition to your family, it should not divide you two as parent. And the efforts should be made by both of the parent.

9. Better than being still at home.

Here, still does not mean being physically static. Staying at home will give you many house-hold chores but sometimes that becomes monotonous. The same daily routine becomes exhausting for you and your baby as well. So, to travel with your baby will definitely be a change for you and the baby.

8. Babies are easy to carry.

Babies are tiny and can be easily portable from one place to other. You just hold your baby to you and whenever possible put them in their stroller or cabinet.

7. They travel for free or less.

The travel with baby does not affect your pocket much. Only things to keep with you is their medicines for just in case (May God forbid you to use those). Also carry their important papers from hospital which you may not use but if you have to speak for their history, those papers will come for help.

6. Do Not wait for them to be toddlers.

If you think that travelling with baby is hard, just wait for their toddler age to hit. They are not easy, I repeat Toddlers are not at all easy to handle. Baby will be in your arms and you can hold them with you, but toddlers have to explore everything they are much more mobile and will wander. You will have to be much more careful with toddlers as compared with babies.

5. Babies sleep a lot.

You carrying your baby with you and they moving and feeling the motions help the baby as pacifiers and they sleep while travelling. Babies tend to be lulled to sleep when they travel with car, train or plane. They may nod off regularly on a long journey and sleep more than usual.

4. They explore new sights.

Yes, babies are tiny and they do not have much say how they are feeling but they explore a lot. The smell of waves or new sights coming on their way, they enjoy those. Studies show that babies cognitive development depends upon their exploring habits and as per being their parents, it is up to you that how much have you granted them to explore.

3. Memories are for You.

They say that children before the age of 4 do not have memories means all the memories you will create are for you. Babies will not remember anything but you will have pictures to show them when they grow.

2. YOU need a vacation.

Honestly speaking babies does not seem to care where they are provided they get a lot of attentions. So, the vacation, is exclusively for you and your partner with your baby to make beautiful memories as a family. Few may think that it is selfish to travel with baby. Why take them away from their home comforts if they are happy at home? So basically it is you who need a break and relax.

1. They don’t have opinion.

Once kids can walk and talk, they have a lot of opinions about what they want to do and when. Babies mainly want to spend time with you, so you get to decide where you go and what you do, provided you are mindful of naps and mealtimes.

So, don't wait for anything, just be careful and enjoy with your baby a trip to remember.

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